Car part hunt once again

I am asking for car part hunt again but with more information.

When the event occours (between sometimr to sometime) There will be some sort of a backstory about the vehicle then u can either skip it or watch the very cool backstory.
After that u will have a quest for finding the parts of the vehicle. parts will br scattered around the map literally everywhere and everytime you find 1 part it will be transferred to the dealership (the gui where u click cars and spawn them) u can see the mystery car before you even build the car but it is fully black and ? on it (also name) after you find all the parts u build it and u get cool car and get badge

U can say your opinions but please PLEASE add a car / vehicle as the vehicle you want to hunt (most liked will be in the poll later on


So like car dealership tycoon

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the forum white the leters that are white are camouflaging in the white background so i cant read shit


also i cant see my own post

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there is only a blank space where it is supposed to have letters but i can use mouse button 1 and hold to read but it sucks

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i dont play dat

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