Cant move after chatting bug

What is the bug?
Whenever you type a message in chat while spawning a vehicle, respawning a vehicle, or spawning in a race, you will not be able to move, turn, or brake.

How often does the bug happen? (Everytime, sometimes or rarely)
Every time

What device did you play on? (Computer, Phone, Tablet or Xbox)
Mobile tablet

What steps do you need to take for it to happen? List them in very high detail:

  1. Spawn any vehicle, respawn any vehicle, or get to the part of a race where jt spawns you at the starting line. This happens whilst you are in the process of spawning (when the black screen shows, or when it is loading.)

It is not a GUI/UI bug, and I am not certain if multiple people have experienced this.

If yes, screenshot all red and yellow text in the developer console and post it here. (Open console by pressing F9 on computer, or by saying /Console in the chat)
