Alright, this suggestion is actually part of a series of suggestions i will be making/reviving of vehicles i own irl. So I’m starting with something, well, lets say classy, but not too common these days:
So the VRT was mainly used in the UK, mostly in London. There was a wide range of engine choices, and for the transmission, either a 5-speed semi-auto or a 4-speed automatic. Thats just a basic overview, I’m gonna direct yall to wikipedia for a more detailed history:
You guys will have noticed that thats all the same bus, yes, that is the VRT I own, and yes, it does actually still look like that. I haven’t got round to modding it yet, mainly cuz I haven’t decided what I’m gonna do with it yet, so if you guys have ideas I am open to suggestions. The engine in it is the Gardener 6LX, with the 5-speed semi-auto transmission specs-wise for the one I own.
(Sidenote, if ur wondering about the weird aspect ratio of the photos, I didn’t take them, the guys who sold the VRT to me did, and since I wanted images i had to crop some screenshots down to size, due to my phone not letting me download the images)