It would be nice for the katyusha to be remodelled since the current in-game model is pretty bad and unrealistic. Also please make iot so it shoots missiles and you can aim were the missiles go (So no the rocket firing assembly doesn’t turn like a tank.) The BM-13 or BM-24 would be nice to see, the BM-13 is the one we have in-game and is from WW2. The BM-24 has a larger more modern truck and is from the 50s and would also be nice.
Wel it wasn’t really that fast in real life but I think it’s reallly deciving that the current in game katyusha has missiles but can’t shoot. O and by the way which Katyusha do you like better the BM-13 or BM-24?
Well the missiles would go to the selected spot and not chase after vehicles. But I do think the katyusha should stay VIP since the developers needs to earn money as well. And I also think you should see the missiles as well een they ar flying unlike the tank shells in game since you don’t see them. They should also add smoke particles and sound effects when it launches and it would be able to launch multiple per second just like in real life.
Well actually the katyusha doesn’t have a siren it would make a SSSSSHHHOOOFF sound repeatedly wen it fired missiles repeatedly just like the German Panzerwerfer.