[BeamNG.Drive] helicar

is meme

(you can blame openshot for the crackles towards the end)
oh by the way this was the original vehicle


you gotta love beamng and its lovely physics


Ahh such a lovely view


Helicar go brrrrrrrr

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i managed to get an etk tire destroy the whole car

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oh god what have i done

backstory: was messing around trying to jump cars over the three rivers in the new gridmap, then messed around with this for a bit. decided to make a helicar again and this time it went much, much faster.
it hit 30000 km/h before i turned off the jato, took forever to slow down, ended up in an equilibrium around 6600 km/h, hit insert to restore the car, and had it fall until it hit over 30000 km/h again

then i got bored and quit the game

tl;dr: helicar 2 went really fast

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