Audos Qubit Volt-E on Forter GT section on New Cars menu

What is the bug?
Answer: On “New Cars” tab, if you scroll down, you can see the Audos Qubit Volt-E is on the section “Forter GT”, when its supposed to be in the Audos Qubit Volt-E

How often does the bug happen? (Everytime, sometimes or rarely)
Answer: Everytime

What device did you play on? (Computer, Phone, Tablet or Xbox)
Answer: PC

What steps do you need to take for it to happen? List them in very high detail:

  1. Open New Cars tab
  2. Scroll down to where “Forter GT” and “Audos Qubit Volt-E” are
  3. And you will see the mix up

Is the bug related to GUI/Interface on the screen? Or did the bug only appear for you?
Yes/No: Yes, it appears to everyone

Roblox username: AnthonyLXV



Can confirm as I just found this silly little bug playing around 15 mins ago. The Audos tried to become a Forter GT.



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please stop reviving this every single day

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*insert low quality popcorn feedback keyboard sandwich sound here)

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mate I’ll have to dish out consequences if you actually don’t stop

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ok ill stop but hey its a joke

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that certainly wasn’t a very funny one

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No hard feelings man

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:pray:t3: (highfive)

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they won’t ban me, i hope…

fired :troll:

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