I know I am, this month and year has been all over the places so I’m hoping for a good christmas
gingerbread village and train will be made soon when it gets closer to christmas
Ooo yum
yep, just hoping to get a steer wheel set
im geting a nissan skyline r33 for chrismas cause now in the us there legal and a legal one is coming to my house on chrismas day and me excited to drift
I dont drive so nice for you tho xd
This is my favorite time of year
Yes and no. Yes, because, well, Christmas. But no because I can’t meet up with family because of the (sort of stupid) laws put into place by our already confirmed corrupt premier.
This month brings sadness but my brother birthday is soon as well as Christmas so happi
hey maybe you can hang with us for chrismas we like family to each other
maybe, but i may not be on then.
HAHA your funny
I have achieved komedi
santas not real i just ruined ur child hood
Something tells me the update (CC2) is around Christmas @.@
Maybe even before…who knows not me
Other than that im gonna go drive my two stroke around like a maniac and yeet snowballs at people
Or, knowing me, I would get a snow cannon lol and just strap it to my atv
By the way I tried clearing a log with an 80cc honda once and uhh…flew thru the air and landed with all of my weight on my collarbone and it went kersnap
I got up and went inside and was like hey uh I think I tore some muscle
lol. Didnt hurt when it happened but did later