Airbag animation option in the destruction facility

so, i thought having airbags was a good idea for the game, it would probably be an animation because of reasons i don’t know, but let’s have an imagination.
so the airbag option will be free and can be toggled in the settings, when you crash into something at like not too fast or too slow the airbag will appear and then something will animate you and the airbag, the car would stop for a few seconds until the airbag animation stops, also the airbag would not be for every kind of vehicles, like tanks, semi trucks, etc. what do you think? i am aware that it could make lag so there would probably be a warning on the side of the option.


Airbags activate no matter the speed, well, 1-14mph at the least.

Still like the idea of this suggestion, not sure about the animation part, maybe the airbag can just deploy and that being it, or maybe like a very quick animation rather than the animation stopping your car even for a lil’ while.

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Some of the cars shouldn’t have airbags, like the Morris Mini or the Ford Fairmont Wagon, because they didn’t actually have airbags.


yeah, imagine being paused in derby