Add a 3t22 siren

so your on your way to crush a car oops someone decided to blow the core up and explode but wait i see no visible sirens thats where there dhould be siren posts in every prt of the map instead od people thinking its sirenhead image

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there are alarms that make sound

yes there ar alarms. but the nuclear siren thats where the point you dont see it and its a syntisized version of the 3t22

yes there are alarms. but the nuclear siren thats where the point you dont see it and its a syntisized version of the 3t22 wailing in attact mode

the core has a alarm and siren inside

also most alarms irl play siren sounds

name 1 alarm that does a siren without googling it and that you are already farmiliar with

alarms do not have names