40 Badly designed cars with great names - Pt. 1

@wither_bro225 several people in today’s society as a whole think Fiat Multipla was really ugly. And from what I remember, the Italian community as a whole labeled the Veneno as the world’s ugliest supercar of 2013.


you literary cant stop think multipla is ugly wake up its been a decade and about veneno, time wasnt just here veneno would be much cheaper if ppl whould really think its still ugly


Well i think otherwise for the multipla

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the lc470 is real though
just the l148 isn’t


ok lets be honest this guy doesnt understand that people have other opinions, he thinks his opinion is always right by supporting it with some cringe stuff on the internet. He literary said veneno is ugly. THE TIME JUST WASNT HERE. People at 2013 was looking for something without sharp corners but when sharp corners got prohibited because of “pedestian safety” veneno went up in price. It became the most beautiful lambo. About multipla its also wrong. Ok i know that you watched top gear you know that they voted multipla. Yes design is ugly BUT its reliable and good for trips. And also cheap because design made it to be so.

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if this guy is actualy a journalist (not some guy which doesnt even have any education for being jornalist) then… Ok nvm this guy at any reason should stay out of car community because he literary never says that its his opinion his only response to hate is just to try again to prove that your wrong.

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good point there

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fiat made it ugly So people will sell it for cheap and it will be spammed sadly failed

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We can all agree, then, that the Fiat Multipla the Multipla is quite ugly design wise, even @Delux agrees it’s ugly.

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@STREnergy Lucra Cars doesn’t even exist. Literally.

The company was already dissolved in 2012. The photo above was a screenshot of a now-deleted Wikipedia article on Lucra Cars. I fortunately took a picture of it before it was deleted.

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if lucra isn’t real then how come there’s an LC470 in F&F6?


@STREnergy Again it has to come from the “founder” of the fake company.

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explain these then


Why does that remind me of the viper


yeah :face_vomiting:

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well most of us don’t


well its only 1 person

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@STREnergy As Lucra cars is fake as of the early 2010s, it seems the Lucra LC470 possibly was made by Lucas Richards. This means that the car is not made by a company, but rather by a person.


did you even make it 15 seconds into the first video


:shut: oh wait they already did make you shut