2018 Mesa One

NAME: 2018 Mesa One supercar

Have you ever wondered what a kit car based on another kit car would look like? Well look no further than the mystery car the internet has been trying to find for quite a while recently, now identified as the 1-of-1 Mesa One.

This car’s story is pretty interesting, but here I’ll try to summarize it: It drew major inspiration from the 2016 Superlite SL-C, but the car itself is almost, if not entirely, custom made. It’s design goes as far back as 2017, where a user going by “Mesa” started posting updates on gt40s.com. Here is the link to one page of the discussion:

At the time, the project was apparently named SLC 001, a project made with their gearhead-legacy at heart. Despite being this old, the car has only started to show up recently, with few cosmetic changes can be seen (shown below).



“modern” version thats been goin around


Unfortunately, I’m unfamiliar with this thing’s specs, as i didn’t have time to do proper research on the user’s posts in the forum. But if anyone is interested, just use the link above and go to page one. A lot of info was engineering things i didn’t understand well so be warned about that lol.