i’m mesmerized by this thing i can’t stop looking at it
IRL Specifications
Drivetrain: Mid engined, RWD
Horsepower: 500 HP
Engine: 3.0 twin turbocharged V6
Transmission: 6-speed manual
0-60: 3.5 seconds
CC2 Stats-Performance
Top Speed: 190 MPH (306 KMH) stock, 245 MPH (394 KMH) max
Acceleration: 16.4 (18 max)
Handling: 19.3 (maximum stock)
Braking: 16.4 (17.6 max)
Weight: 1.1 Tonnes (1.04 Tonnes w/ weight distribution)
Race Class: A 89 stock, S 93 maxed, S 98 maxed gear ratios
CC2 Stats-Derby
Attack Score: 98 (110 max)
Defense Score: 106 (116 max, +10 plow)
Derby Tier: 1
Other CC2 Info
Price: 700 Platina
Availability: VIP
Max Scraps: 3,000
Fictional Name: Honado NXS-GR GR400
CC2-What this car is best in
Racing - Out of the box, this car is good as it’s a high A and has stats similar to the Ariel Atom, so keep it for races like the Hilltop Sprint. Once pushed into S class, it will easily be outclassed by the Mclaren W1 or Ferrari FXXK Evolution, so keep it stock.
Derby - This car is somewhat mediocre for derby at stock, as it’s more defense based, but once upgraded it can keep up with the rest of the supercars in Pro.
Chipset Tuning: 120 Scraps/40 Credits
Exhaust System: 400 Scraps/180 Credits
Weight Distribution: 540 Scraps/230 Credits
Ignition System: 600 Scraps/260 Credits
Engine Block: 800 Scraps/ 380 Credits
Brake Tuning: 1,100 Scraps (480 Credits)
Metal Plow: 2,200 Scraps/590 Credits
Air-Control Thrusters: 900 Credits