I had this idea randomly and I though why not making it and it’s basically that 15. 2 active user will be picked and get compared via 7 criteria and other user will choose who win this category.
Criteria are:
Most Active (Forum)(Recent activity)
Most Popular
Most Funny
Most Influence
Oldest Activity (On the Forum)
Quality of post
By the way, the way user get picked is totally random.
: Mean that you got eliminated
: Mean you’re still alive
So here are the user
- Hyperion
- bruh_man
- ThePeach_PieHQ
- Cosmoxide
- STREnergy
- Alanzcool
- ira_nomas
- SaurianXS
- CorruptedGamerPro
- Yewnos_100
- FrankSiru34
- MausOnAHaus
- Sci-Frog_2
- v7_x
- Ben_10_000
- TH_AmongYT_Français
- Surreal
- JerryAxel
- lavafall
- Genesis
- ImBored
- RedNaz
- ViscousFlow
- Xledyz
- infinityxcat
- Ichael_Gaming
- EverythingButE
- name_12758
Winner: bruh_man
Competion starts can vary depending if I can or not
I wish everyone a good game and we will see who will win the Duel Competition