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My damn soundcores broke and now i can’t even listen to music at 2 am


A shitty elflinquent I drew


omg thats so much better than any of my drawings!!!

The FitnessGram™ Pacer is an aerobic fitness test that improves over time. Start with 30 seconds of hard shooting from 20 meters. His footsteps started slowly, but soon he was lifted by a voice. When you hear it, you need to start the sound. [Product] Remember to walk in a straight line and run as far as possible. If you cannot hear the audio loop, the test is complete. The text begins with an introduction. He saw the report

i love text obfuscators

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the fucking FitnessGram PACER test is another way to prove hell is real. The PACER was meant to break people’s kneecaps when running. When you hear the beep, run like the wind before the beep in a straight line. If you do not make it before the beep or run in curves, you get american football tackled and driven off in a paddywagon. If you collapse during the test you get hauled off the track. If the beep stops beeping, you are done.
my experience of running the PACER

And I’m bored

yea that’s what I mean we are just saying it was a joke and it wasn’t like a good boy and he didn’t want it lol I just like the one I got you lol I was just like oh yea I know nothing like it was a good boy but he ain’t no good idea lol lol oh ok cool that’s good I just like that the car was just a bit like a boy and he didn’t want it but I was just wondering what about you like that I ain’t gonna lie I don’t want you in my life lol lol oh ok I love it I just got it I got a new car I didn’t know what I mean it lol I got it I was like a boy lol oh yeah that’s

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I can’t wait 2 get home


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Vdfssfdvcx Sghassabxski

how to create a terrible username

I have a Stone Age iPhone 4 :skull:



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Somebody forgot to revive this topic so I’ll do it for them


this should not have happened

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