The forums is the main hub for all of cc2 things yes along with discord. But I feel like the Reddit page that is unofficial should deserve some form of credit, it’s literally the off-brand brother of the Unofficial CC2 Wiki Page. But the Unofficial Reddit Page isn’t doing so well, so I’d like to hear what you’d wanna do or suggest to the Unofficial CC2 Reddit.
reddit is a joke
Don’t ask abt the various subs I joined on reddit, EVER
Hey what are those
cc forums >>> r/carcrushers2
yub watcher
maybe like a few years back, i just stumbled across the sub while scrolling through my feed and remembered it was actually funny (the yubreddit and miitopia vids were fire)
not sure if it was the best idea to show the whole list because people are gonna be curious about the blurred out subs you’ve joined
ngl im just disgusted that 62% of them are nsfw subreddits and I do not wanna know what a single one is
I know I cant speak for everyone but I’m sure some people agree
And that is exactly why they are blurred, and I will not be showing them
my god
for someone claiming to be 15, being in 23 nsfw subreddits is fucking disturbing
And if that happens (again), we surely need some Holy Water and some professional help
honestly degeneracy is not something I wish anybody to fall into, it will seriously ruin your teenage years if you do happen to get too caught up into it
it’s going to be a very hard thing to get out of if you dip your legs in too deep, so just please keep yourselves safe online
(considering how i dont see an issue with it i think im cooked)
yes, you are indeed cooked
We have a reddit now?
its existed for just over 5 years lol, its reddit though so you can imagine the horrors that go on there