Update 40 is a painful change?

As Panwellz changes lots of cars to exclusive (which they will become unobtainable for new players after the update), and some cars turn to VIP and some VIP to free. That maybe a painful change, as those cars can’t obtained by new players anymore. Also the main point, 4 existing cars will turn to VIP, really painful to non-bobux players. To those of you who reached the max and owned the VIP pass, this change won’t affect to you.


F*cking opposite for me, i was really disappointed when he changed the vip cars to free

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you’ll see why it’s changed when you get to take a look at the prices of the cars circa the update
not revealing anything but a lot has changed

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New players would really care less about the change unless you told them that these cars were super cool (they seem pretty insignificant to me, even when I was progressing). And you still have access to vip cars I believe even if you don’t have the pass, I think Panwellz mentioned it in discord in the updates channel.


well, even though there was changes to car exclusivity, there is some pretty epic cars coming


they could at least keep the delorean


I can agree with you but the only type of people to complain are probably the completionist’s as they would want every car and this would make it impossible

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for the f2p players you can still drive the rx7, the gtr, etc


What the hell is the point of changing them to vip if they still can drive them

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Ackward update ._.


I know right

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Why can you still acsess vip cars without vip after update

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Maybe, but I think you’d still be completing everything even without those cars, because it’s essentially like they were removed. They were also pretty insignificant cars so I don’t think I would have a problem at least.

I can’t speak for everyone but I’m just staying what I think.


That makes sense

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The DeLorean is trash either way

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yeah probably a good thing they made it free


When the exclusive VIP item became free (I no longer have a sense of power and individualism when using it anymore :sob: :cold_sweat:)