Tank in derby juggernaut round

in a beginner round on a juggernaut round
man got a tank even without admin wot
at least it seems he doesn’t have bullets


Tier 3 as attacker??

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no it’s in a juggernaut round plus it’s a beginner server

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Interesting. Seems to be still be happening, although much less common than before.
Tier 1s are what attackers are restricted to. Juggernauts can use just about any tier 3

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ye thanks why I’m so confused


its a known issue thats being worked on. I personally thought it was 100% fixed. Might be an old server idk but I think Roblox automatically updates them.
Used to it was common and would involve many more players but its in the works and should be completely eliminated very soon.

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btw is it related to the autochoose thing when u afk

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