Some more suggestions for the game

Hello again, I would like to suggest some things to the game, again…

  • Show the player’s name when clicking on their car.
    This would come in really useful when trying to report exploiters in Derby, as they often change cars or use fly hacks to get away from you, and the only way to see the car owner’s name is by: destroying their car and looking who was inside, getting close to their car so you see their nickname or seeing it at the end screen.

  • Derby maps in VIP servers.
    This would allow the VIP server owner to change the map to one of the maps present in Derby.

  • Make the turret crosshair more visible on darker surfaces.
    When shotting at cars with a turret mounted vehicle, the crosshair can look like it just disappeared entirely while hovering over a car that is painted in darker colors. This could be fixed by giving the crosshair a white colored border around it.

Speaking of turret crosshair…

  • Customizable turret crosshair
    This would allow the players to change the color of their tank crosshair, and the image it uses.

Much thanks to you for reading.


I feel like some of these have been suggested before.

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Can I please be unban I’m sorry I learned my lesson

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