Replacement for the Cannon Shot

So, heres the idea. A cannon shot INTO a pit of spinning drills, so that way you can actually get damage from it and it’s worth the Premium, because imo, the Cannon Shot is one of the worse crushers in the game, so much so, that it doesn’t deserve the Premium Crusher title.


you mean vip


Cannon shot into a spike wall :)

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Late to the discussion, but totally agree. As is, the Cannon Shot tends to give maybe 10% of the max parts for a given vehicle.

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i agree

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unless it’s something like a peel p50 but even that can survive sometimes
its a cool concept but implemented poorly


All for it, because it is almost impossible to completely destroy the car. And occasionaly my car glitches through the piston that pushes the car out of the cannon. Any improvements to Cannon Shot are welcome

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Same with pillar fall, in fact pillar fall do nothing :megaxd:

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True that., DiamondDragonPickaxe. I can sometimes get the Pillar Fall to work if I rocket boost into it, but I can do the same thing with any wall in the facility.


What about those without the booster gamepass?

I feel like they should keep the normal cannon shot, but then they should add a button after you launch your car which activates this.

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so basically spikewall cannon but with drills

man i like the canon shot its fun