Marvin Heemeyer’s “MK Tank” (Killdozer)

Name: MK Tank


Engine Make: 2238
Engine Model: SA6D155-4A
Gross Power: 410hp
Power Measured at 2000rpm
Displacement: 1175.4cu in.
Aspiration: Turbocharged

Marvin John Heemeyer was an automobile muffler repair shop owner in Granby, Colorado. He was also an incredible mechanic and welder. But despite all he did for his community, he still got nothing good back in return. So he built this modified bulldozer, which he referred to as the “MK (Modified Komatsu) Tank”, which he spent years working on. It was a Komatsu D355A, fitted with makeshift, AP round-resistant armored plates, along with cooling systems and several rifles, and cameras to see where he was going. Then finally, on 06/04/2004, he set out and caused $7M worth of damage to his town. After its engine burned out, Marv shot himself in the head. As of today, all physical evidence of the MK Tank has been destroyed. Although he did smoke, he wasn’t all mentally ill. And he certainly had a good reason for doing this. It was never by insanity. He’d had enough, and was tired of trying to help people when they never did the same for him. Sadly, this is very overlooked, and not many people know this even happened. But by adding this to the game, we can spread his story, and further remember his actions.


He was kind but people treated him very bad

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Marvin was fucked up real time

Many contributers have agreed that panwellz will never add this to game due to the vehicle’s association with violence

closing this now