Ladders hard to climb in R15

What is the bug?
Answer: When climbing in R15 (R6 not tested), the player does not climb, I have to then jump instead to climb

How often does the bug happen? (Everytime, sometimes or rarely)
Answer: When you are on R15 and on a ladder (like a crusher or the core room ladder)

What device did you play on? (Computer, Phone, Tablet or Xbox)
Answer: Computer/PC

What steps do you need to take for it to happen? List them in very high detail:

  1. Go to Avatar Editor
  2. Set yourself as R15
  3. Go into the game
  4. Go to the crusher or the core room ladder

Is the bug related to GUI/Interface on the screen? Or did the bug only appear for you? Check yes if the bug didn’t happen for everyone in the server at the same time.
Yes/No: No as everyone can see it

If yes, screenshot all red and yellow text in the developer console and post it here. (Open console by pressing F9 on computer, or by saying /Console in the chat)

Roblox username: DavidTDC3377 (Display Name: DavidTheDev)

1 Like

This eixsts already i’ll find link latr

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Ladder Bug (maybe)