I really hope damage models are fixed or at least worked on next update

truck>car not the other way around. very unrealistic
A truck should win a head on with a car, even if the car is going well over 100 miles an hour. Examples (Brabus, Terrain Destroyer, and other vehicles like Folstak)
Even if the truck is going 40 and car 120, the truck would still win because its made of different metal and is at least 5 times heavier. It would steamroll the car out flat while taking almost no damage.


Chill the hell out bro. No need to get salty on me.
Pan stated himself that he -might- do something in the future to make larger vehicles 2-10 ish tons stronger than their weak state right now. Want a quote, ask for it ill give it to ya. Just because it’s roblox doesn’t mean inprovements cant be made. The only things that are realistic in CC2 are the supercars (for the most part) and smaller vehicles. That may change in the future, but im not the one to tell completely.


I don’t know…CC2 has been acting very oddly ever since roblox went down

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It’s alright man…at least you didnt torment the forum with mind games awhile back like I did ;~:

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And I am probably the biggest spammer on here

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I practically become possessed sometimes by my own pain and emotions and its not pretty. I try to hide it ;~;
aside from the topic sorry
I have felt like shit ever since I was born and I know nothing else

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a brit too op for derby

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