I feel like the forums are starting to get a little inactive and stale

Don’t get me wrong, the forums could still be a great time, but its been feeling empty a lot lately and a lot less active people. I dunno, maybe its because of the time of day I login or something but its starting to feel empty. I also think it has gotten a little bit more toxic and naive (emphasis on little). Feel free to comment down below your opinion on the topic, whether you agree or not.


Agree, I feel like it was never active, but I think thats becouse I joind the cc2 forums when it started to be less active


thats because the cc2 forums community is a lot smaller compared to the server, the server has like 50k members while we only got like 5k members

always has been

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10x smaller

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“Grim reaper wants to know your location i guess…?” -someone to Mr. CCForums

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it’s cuz there is a lot of 13 and 14 yr olds here and they’re not fummy

oops :no_mouth:

Hmmmm :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

it’s the truth