Extremely glitchy race competitions

This has currently only happened to me once.

It all started by simply signing up for a race competition. In this case, it was A-Class Island Circuit. This will be relevant later.

It seemed to work normally up until the race started, where the game immediately assumed I wanted to leave the race. After not leaving the race, I received a black screen for about 20 seconds or so before I was allowed to continue driving.

But there were no checkpoints. At least, none that I could find
Eventually I just deleted my vehicle which promply “kicked” me out of the race (I didn’t get the results pop-up saying I DNF’d or quitted).
The leaderboard was also gone, and never came back no matter what I tried. However live competitions worked as normal.

Time passes and I sign up for another race competition, this time A-Class Stunt Race.
The bug happens again. However this time I noticed a white line in the distance. A checkpoint indicator.
I follow it…
…and it takes me to Island Circuit. The game gave me the checkpoint layout for Island Circuit instead of Stunt Race (which leads me to believe that the Island Circuit race comp gave me the Stunt Race layout, but I have no proof of this).
Below is the only footage I have.

After DNF’ing, I then tried to do a Stunt Race time trial, which never began.
Aside from the bottom, all of those 4,700+ errors are the same “PathTime” error.


dang this happened to me as well


except for me it was different
it was a class around the world (i think) and it let me pick an s class car but the ui was buggy as shown and it gave me the route for island loop


The whole racing system for cc2 just needs a huge rework at this point


big task


Did you play any race before this one? Like a drag race?


I hadn’t touched any race prior to these.


On the topic of buggy races, sometimes when you open the drag races it crashes your game


What is the bug?
Answer: The race glitches sometimes randomly when you start a race with other people and the whole game gets broken, you need to rejoin or restart your roblox. you can see there “??/8th” and all other players with 20th position, most of them also get this bug and cannot play but for others is working fine and they can continue the race.

How often does the bug happen? (Everytime, sometimes or rarely)
Answer: 70% of the times I played a race, it happened.

What device did you play on? (Computer, Phone, Tablet or Xbox)
Answer: Computer and Phone

What steps do you need to take for it to happen? List them in very high detail:

  1. Just get in a race, either by being invited or inviting people.

Is the bug related to GUI/Interface on the screen? Or did the bug only appear for you? Check yes if the bug didn’t happen for everyone in the server at the same time.
Yes/No: This bug happens to almost half of the players in a race.

If yes, screenshot all red and yellow text in the developer console and post it here. (Open console by pressing F9 on computer, or by saying /Console in the chat)
I’ll do that when I get to play it again, just for now i’m kinda upset that nobody mentioned it in CC Bugs whatsoever.

Roblox username: LikeFazbear (I’m_mooeh)


Can the bug be found among the known bugs in the trello Trello? If so, upvote it there instead!

What is the bug?
Answer: Race glitch, when race starts, it automatically comes up with the “go back” or “quit” buttons when I’m in the designated race area, if i click either button, it makes my screen completely black and I have to rejoin.

How often does the bug happen? (Everytime, sometimes or rarely)
Answer: Sometimes, (I don’t know if this happens for other players).

What device did you play on? (Computer, Phone, Tablet or Xbox)
Answer: Computer

What steps do you need to take for it to happen? List them in very high detail:

  1. Join a race, any race
  2. Use a limited or a challenge car (they are the only ones I have raced with since the bug started.)
  3. Wait for race to start
  4. Once started, start driving, then the buttons appear on screen
  5. Click either button
  6. Then screen becomes pitch black and you have to leave to get rid of it

Is the bug related to GUI/Interface on the screen? Or did the bug only appear for you? Check yes if the bug didn’t happen for everyone in the server at the same time.
Yes/No: Yes.

If yes, screenshot all red and yellow text in the developer console and post it here. (Open console by pressing F9 on computer, or by saying /Console in the chat) There is no yellow text showing up sorry.

Roblox username: OLZTDP


@Im_mooeh @oIztdp Did any of you play a drag race before these broken races? Or any other races at all?


hello panwellz, no, I did not play any drag race or other race before the broken races. It’s all a matter of luck to get these bugs I suppose. If you need to question us anymore questions, i’ll be grateful to answer them all.

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Also, this has happened to me 8 times up to now.

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I’ve had this happen a few times, as of late. Today I was invited to a normal race, all was fine until the starting grid. Your position will show question marks and as soon as the race starts, it asks to either reset or exit the race.

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So, it’s been a week since this was reported and yet we are waiting a fix. It is still happening and it’s really, really annoying… it just happened to me 3 more times today. Waiting patiently… :cry:

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just updating… this hasn’t been fixed yet.

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Got better footage. It seems that the first race comp you do works fine, but every race comp after that gives you the previous race comp’s track instead of the current one, since before this one I did a dirt track race comp and it worked fine.

I’ll try to find out what happens if you manage to complete the race in this state.


Nothing happens.


links back to race won’t end bug