Crusher idea: The Super Shotgun

Instructions: Simply write what the crusher is called in the Title, then describe what it does and how it should break the car here in the description.

The crusher is loaded up like the cannon crusher. Instead of launching the car out, a shotgun shell is in the loading zone with the car.

The control room will have 3 options for how the crusher will work.
Barrel size extends the length of the tube that the car and the shrapnel will go down. Less shrapnel the longer the barrel is but everything will come out way faster and more pellets are launched out at a slower velocity with a shorter barrel.

Rifling on/off will add rifling that will cause the shrapnel to go in a cyclone fashion when enabled, causing more or less damage to the car.

Both barrels shoots the one the car is in first. When the car hits the wall at the end of the firing field, the second barrel will fire soon after, finishing off the scraps of metal