CC2 Iceberg but some of the topics are made up and I cant make a chart

Topmost layer:
•Vehicle renaming
•Core Meltdown
•Fictional Cars
•Derby Mode
•Car Crushers 1
•The Forums
•instakill by a T-Bone crash
•Old Physics Engine

Middle Layer
•Car Crushers Complex is a scrap metal scheme
•Glass Joe Gaming
•The Forum’s weirder parts
•Hammerhead Eagle I-Thrust got scrapped due to other reasons
•Leaning Tower of Citroen
•Stig Cameo
•Racing Mower is real
•Gamer is written on one of the cars
•Localization errors
•Tanks go backwards faster instead of forwards
•The Freeze Gun
•Underglow was available for all cars instead of one at a time
•Core Access was for VIP only
•Clipping through the floors
•The Complex is owned by a private entity
•UFO spotted
•Bottom Gear
•Car Crushers 2 is a ripoff of Beam NG drive

Bottom Layer
•Money was supposed to decrease when purchasing a new car
•The Reliant Robin is impossible to flip
•Every Copy of CC2 is personalized…manually by the player.
•Bots in Derby
•ragequitting logs you into a program
•Integer overflow
•Space Core was never meant to be added
•Row 4 was never meant to be added
•The Dragster is based off the Vampire
•The vanishing of the Bradley Tank
•Some cars haven’t had their names changed
•Update 36 was a mistake
•Getting flung away from a racetrack
•Blood was supposed to emit from the crushers when a player were to die in them
•Getting Pulped
•Tags on certain car brands
•Avanta is not real but the cars are
•The Landkreuzer was based off a Abrams prototype
•Lorry vs Semi

Lowest Layers
•John Doe never played this game
•CC2 mods got witch hunted
•Jared copied it
•Code was stolen
•Updates went through Development Hells
•Derby was never meant to be added to the game
•PVP was never meant to be added to the game
•Scorched skin texture during meltdown
•Corkscrew Ramp


the bradley tank?


What’s a T-Bone
I seriously don’t know

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This is the template I’ll use

Also I’ll make a video on it

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Just added everything in
Here use my template if you want guys


I made even more entries to add.

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Ok I’ll add them in too

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Check some edits i made. If it becomes hard to add, dont worry I will reply more entries.

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Bruh it bugged

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Eh who cares icebergs look like that

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if you’re actually serious about this question a t-bone is ramming someone (preferably with the front of your car) on the side of the car

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Oh it’s that type of t bone
I thought it was a car

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Yeah ik that

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Ok. Maybe I should reformat it.

•Visitor count
•Group exclusivity
•Race Tiers
•Derby Tiers
•Renamed cars
•Some vehicles shouldn’t be in the game.

•Copyright problems
•Glass Joe’s Hot Pink Reliant
•The Ice Ray’s purpose
•Chronebookguy’s glitched program
•Getting stuck in the air
•The questionable world of the GMC’s derby tiers
•Bottom Gear Recreated in Roblox
•Some cars are fictional
•The facility is based off a car emporium

•Superhumans cannot survive the blast
•The Tencell Apparition
•Getting pulped in Derby Mode
•Invincible Juggernauts
•Tanks are the worst vehicle for Juggernaut
•Unable to get some powerups in some cars
•CC2 used to be more violent
•The Facility is a front for a scrap metal scheme
•The mainland
•The Dragster is loosely based off the Vampire Jet Powered Car
•The Jet Engine stays on

•The Bradley’s Vanishing/Mandela Effect
•The Hilux’s reason for not being added
•Secret Messages
•The Second Floor
•Original location of the Speed Crash Test
•The Core Room is Row 5.
•Beating the airtime record in a Peel P50
•Speedrunning is impossible
•There is no reason to hack in the game.
•John Doe was used as a test account in this server
•”Ive Broken Stalin’s House”
•Scorched Skin Texture

•The Facility is used to dispose of evidence
•The Island is a city-state
•Billy Hargrove’s Chevvy makes a cameo
•Ted Bundy Worship Group Raid
•The game is not personalized
•Bruce the Car Crusher


Fuck that


dang the depths were darker than I thought

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Why is glass joe gaming one of them?


Cuz he made the iceberg



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mandela efrect

Oh No GIF by Breaking Bad

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